아래는 개요의 85 자주 사용하는 문자,문장 부호 또는 징후에 포함되어 있는 대부분의 글꼴. 여기에는 문장 부호 및 타이포그래피에 사용되는 기타 기호가 포함됩니다. 기술적으로 이러한 문자 모양을 글리프라고합니다. 각 글리프 이름 옆에 유니 코드 및 HTML 엔티티가 나열되고 ascii 코드 및 HTML 엔티티가 사용 가능한 경우 표시됩니다. 또한 텍스트에 문자를 삽입하는 데 사용할 수있는 Windows ALT 키 입력 또는 Mac 동등 물을 나열했습니다.,
대부분의 예제에 사용되는 서체는 Arial Bold 입니다. 작은 선은 기준선,x 높이 및 상승 및 하강 높이를 나타냅니다.,017c66″>

Uppercase ae

Uppercase ae
Unicode: U+000C8
HTML entity: Æ – HTML code: Æ
PC keystroke: ALT+0198

Almost Equal To – ≈

Almost equal to

Unicode: U+02248
HTML entity: ≈ – HTML code: ≈
Also called approximately equals, asymptotic to or the double tilde., 물결표(~)대략 동일(≅)와 점근과 같(≃)은 다른 표적을 나타내는 데 사용되는 근사치,컨텍스트에 따라.,기>앰퍼샌드

유니코드 U+00026–ASCII:38
HTML 엔터티:&–HTML 코드:&
Logogram 에서 파생된 문자 et–라틴어로’그리고’
PC 키 입력: 일반적으로 발견에서 최고 행



유니코드 U+0212B
편지에서 스웨덴어 알파벳을 사용되는 것을 나타내는 단위의 길이 0.,iv>


Unicode: U+0002A – ASCII: 42
HTML entity: * – HTML code: *
PC keystroke: ALT+42

At Sign – @


Unicode: U+00040 – ASCII: 64
HTML entity: @ – HTML code: @
In Unicode this is called the commercial at glyph.,

Backslash – \

Reverse Solidus

Unicode: U+0005C – ASCII: 92
HTML entity: \ – HTML entity: \
The Unicode name is reverse solidus even though that glyph is less vertical.,919e8eeb7″>

Unicode: U+02022
HTML entity: • – HTML code: •
PC keystroke: ALT+0149

Caret – ^




Unicode: U+000B8
HTML entity: ç for a lowercase c with cedilla
Usually added underneath other glyphs, e.,지.ç 또는 Ȩ. 대부분의 서체에서 작은’5’와 비슷합니다.,


Unicode: U+000B0
HTML entity: ° – HTML code: °
PC keystroke: ALT+0176 – Mac keystroke: SHIFT+OPTION+8

Diaeresis or Umlaut – ¨

Diaeresis or Umlaut

Unicode: U+000A8
HTML entity: ¨
Diacritic (glyph added to other characters as an accent, e.,g.ë 또는 Ä)는 프랑스어 또는 스페인어와 같은 언어로 diaeresis 라고 불리는 반면 독일어로는 움라우트라고합니다. 차이에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기에서 찾을 수있다.,
PC keystroke: ALT+0168

Division Sign – ÷

Division Sign

Unicode: U+000F7
HTML entity: ÷ – HTML code: ÷
Used to indicate mathematical division even though the ISO 80000-2 standard recommends using the solidus (/) for this.,>mdash; – HTML code: —
PC keystroke: ALT+0151 – Mac keystroke: SHIFT+ALT+hyphen

EN Dash – —

En Dash

Equals Sign – =

Equal Sign

Unicode: U+0003D – ASCII: 61
HTML entity: = – HTML code: =
Mathematical symbol used to indicate equality., Also named the equality sign

Euro Sign – €

Euro Sign

Exclamation Mark – !,v>

Three Quarters

Three quarters fraction – ¾
Unicode: U+000BE
HTML entity: ¾ – HTML code: ¾

Two thirds

Two thirds fraction – ⅔
Unicode: U+02154
HTML entity: ⅔ – HTML code: ⅔
PC keystroke: ALT+0190

Full Stop – .,

Full Stop

Unicode: U+0002E – ASCII: 46
HTML entity: . – HTML code: .
Also called the period.

Grave Accent – `

Grave Accent

Unicode: U+00060
Also called the backtick.,

More than or Equal To Sign

Unicode: U+02265 – ASCII: –
HTML entity: ≥ – HTML code: ≥

Multiplication Sign – ×

Multiplication Sign

Unicode: U+000D7 – ASCII: –
HTML entity: × – HTML code: ×
Also called the times sign or the dimension sign and different from the lower case ‘x’.,b7″>

Unicode: U+000AC
HTML entity: ¬ – HTML code: ¬
Also called the negation sign
PC keystroke: ALT+0172

Not Equal To Sign – ≠

Not Equal To Sign

Unicode: U+02260 – ASCII: –
HTML entity: ≠ – HTML code: ≠
Mac keystroke: OPTION+=
Sign used to indicate that two quantities, expressions or equations are not equal., 이것은’슬래시 등호’기호라고하지 않습니다., entity: ) – HTML code: )
Punctuation mark used to enclose information
Also referred to as the right round bracket or right curved bracket or closing bracket (in the UK)

Percent Sign – %


Unicode: U+00025 – ASCII: 37
HTML entity: % – HTML code: %
Symbol used to indicate a percentage, a number or ratio as a fraction of 100.,
Also called the percentage sign

Per Mille Sign – ‰

Per Mille Sign

Unicode: U+02030
HTML entity: ‰ – HTML code: ‰
Symbol used to indicate parts per 1000.,
Also called the per mil or per mille sign
PC keystroke: ALT+0137

Per Ten Thousand Sign – ‱

Per ten thousand

Unicode: U+02031
HTML entity: ‱ – HTML code: ‱
Symbol used to indicate parts per 10000.,>

Plus Sign

Unicode: U+0002B – ASCII: 43
HTML entity: + – HTML code: +
Math symbol used for addition as well as the notion of positive

Plus Minus Sign – ±

Plus-Minus Sign

Pound Sign – £

Pound Sign

Question Mark – ?,

Question Mark

Unicode: U+0003F – ASCII: 63
HTML entity: ? – HTML code: ?
Punctuation mark to indicate an interrogative clause or phrase

Quotation Marks – ” ‹ › ” “

There are regular and angled quotation marks. These punctuation marks are used for quotations in a number of languages.,

는 따옴표

유니코드 U+00022–ASCII:34
HTML 엔터티:"–HTML 코드: "
또한 두 견적입니다. 타이포 그래퍼는 일반적으로 별도의 왼쪽 및 오른쪽 큰따옴표를 선호합니다. 이것들은 다음과 같이 보입니다:””. 왼쪽 및 오른쪽 작은따옴표도 있습니다:”. 그런 다음 두 개의 소위 low-9 변종이 있습니다:'”및 이중 high-reversed-9 인용 부호:”.,/p>

Semicolon – ;


Unicode: U+0003B – ASCII: 59
HTML entity: ; – HTML code: &#59;

Slash – /


Unicode: U+0002F – ASCII: 47
HTML entity: / – HTML code: /
Also called the forward slash or stroke (UK).,
유니 코드에서는 그 글리프가 수직이 적더라도 solidus 라고합니다.,ee – ³

Superscript Three

Unicode: U+000B9
HTML entity: ³ – HTML code: ³
PC keystroke: ALT+0179

Tilde – ~


Unicode: U+0007E
HTML entity: ˜ – HTML code: ~
Also called the swung dash, squiggly or twiddle.,
PC keystroke: ALT+0126

Trade Mark Sign – ™

Trade Mark Sign

Unicode: U+02122
HTML entity: ™ – HTML code: ™
Symbol to indicate that the preceding mark is an unregistered trademark. For registered trademarks ® is used.,
PC keystroke: ALT+0153 – Mac keystroke: OPTION+2

Underscore – _

Low Line

Vertical Line – |

Vertical Line

Unicode: U+0007C – ASCII: 124
HTML entity: | – HTML code: |
Also called the pipe, piping symbol, Sheffer stroke, vertical slash, think colon or divider line.,
Symbol that is commonly encountered in statements involving logic and sets
PC keystroke: ALT+124

Yen Sign – ¥

Yen Sign